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'I highly recommend Becky Howell, and am extremely thankful for her coaching on anxiety-related challenges in my life.  She provided many new ways to view and approach the challenges, along with insight for solutions and improvements.  With positive confidence and support, she motivated me to look deeper at root causes, connecting factors, and reasons behind the challenges.  Her direct and relational insight helped me to increase calm, confidence, and hope; and to become a wiser, stronger me!' Kathy L., Illinois 

'Becky is an exceptional woman.  She embodies such a strength and she really holds a space for her clients that feels utterly safe and enabling.  I had gremlins locked up in me that Becky unearthed, and totally blew my mind. I didn't even realise! And yet, these same gremlins were holding me in a place of fear, limiting beliefs and self-sabotage.  She made me laugh and cry throughout the session as I experienced insight after insight.  And even afterwards, more insight came up as though she'd unlocked a part of my brain. Anxiety manifests in so many ways and we don't even realise it.  I urge you, if you are not showing up as your true self, you NEED Becky in your life!' Sanea F, Leeds

'I loved this. I had a terrible time asking for raises and things when I worked for someone else. My husband used to get so angry with me so this really helped me to see what I where my hangups are and what I can do about them.' AH​​

'"This program would have been a steal at half the price! And the community support was great, I loved not feeling like I was alone or a failure at this.' Sue H. Michigan

'I love,love,love the 3 videos you put together! I often feel like I have imposteristis. I've watched the videos several times now and have taken your advise and made a list board. It truly has changed my mindset and am doubting my imposteristis!!! It was a great way to bring all of my knowledge and experience into the light. Making me feel confidant and resolute that I know a lot more then I give myself credit for. Thank you for sharing!!!'

'I loved my last worksheet! I loved this. I had a terrible time asking for raises and things when I worked for someone else. My husband used to get so angry with me so this really helped me to see what I where my hangups are and what I can do about them.'

'You have doubled my income, helped me make crazy strides in how I feel about myself, improved my relationship, and I will have cleared all of my debt (minus mortgage and car) in just a few more months. And great things are happening for me. 

I feel alive again.' Adam B. Illinois

"...I got the most out of handling the horses myself- communicating with them and feeling that they trusted me. I also greatly benefitted from the location--getting away from the routine and normal perspective to free my mind to look at things differently. Also your belief and enthusiasm in what you are doing was evident and helped greatly...Overall I feel I gained a lot by forcing myself to look at things in a different light... I do believe that their actions and your work to interpret them in light of my stated issue was a very valuable tool in looking in new ways and with confidence to address my issue. I felt a sense of freedom by getting outside myself with support both animal and human to look into myself. " Alice R., IL.​

"..I feel at peace and less stressed. Keep seeing horses running in my sleep. I was able to find the clarity and answers I was looking for...I knew that I put up a guard when I would get hurt... but I need to listen to my heart at times and not my thoughts. I discovered that I want companionship but it’s also ok to be me, freedom to do the things I love that make me feel good...feeling at peace. I thought it was really neat how two of the horse touched my heart with their nose and put their head on my shoulder. The entire experience was fascinating." Tammy M., IL.  



Guest on Exploring Awesome podcast with Jim Kellner.



Featured expert for personalities and happiness on Radio Show WXLM with John Holt.
Featured on Gillian's Just Stay Curious Podcast:
Featured on Living Fabulously with Bev Podcast:
WXLM Radio with John Holt - Becky Howell Guest Expert
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