More and more people are unfolding their gifts and becoming lightworkers and now is a good time cuz the world definitely needs us!
I have spent the past twenty years learning over 6 different frameworks, amassing 52 health and healing certifications, completed two (still working on one;) apprenticeships, read 207 (and counting) relevant books, and am finally going public with my work!
I guide journey-level lightworkers in their transformation to Mastership in an accelerated and supportive framework through my apprenticeship programs.
I only offer Apprenticeships for these people:
1) You have the beginnings of a gift and need to develop it. You are being called to serve in some way and need to understand how to help others.
2) You want to dig deeper and fully, completely, indisputably, become a master practitioner of your chosen sphere. Helping others might come later, your journey right now is to boldly explore your possibilities.
3) A holy mix of the two;)